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Arduino MEGA 2560 PRO Mini compatible with ATMEGA2560-16AU and CH340G
This board is the compact microcontroller fully compatible tothe ever-popular Arduino Mega 2560.
It features a genuine Atmel ATmega2560 running at 16Mhz and leverages a CH340G for UART/USB interface to a micro USB.
Equipped with 54 (fifty-four) Digital I/O and 16 (sixteen) Analogue I/O it provides plenty of interfacing options.
- Microcontroller ATmega2560
- USB-TTL converter CH340
- Power Out 5V-800mA
- Power IN. 5V
- Power IN. VIN/DC Jack 5V
- Power Consumption 5V 220mA
- Logic Level 5V
- USB Micro USB
- Clock Frequency 16MHz
- Operating Supply Voltage 5V
- Digital I/O 54
- Analog I/O 16
- Memory Size 256kb
- Data RAM Type/Size 8Kb
- Data ROM Type/Size 4Kb
- Interface Type ISP
- Operating temperature −40С°/+85С°
- Length×Width 38×54mm